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If you are already a member, or are already receiving information from us, you can update your contact info by entering your new info below. If your email address matches what we have in our system, your info will be updated. If you need to change your primary email address, please send an email with this information to mpiupstateny@gmail.com

Choose Your Lists

Choose the lists that you want to join.
As a Member of MPI Upstate NY, you will automatically receive all information noted below.
MPI NENY offers monthly educational and networking events for the personal and professional development of our members.

The MPI NENY NEwsletter is distributed at the beginning of each month.

NEws Flash's are sent throughout the month as needed to promote timely information about the chapter.

MPI's Virtual World offers a unique format and cutting edge technology to enhance and/or provide an alternative to live meetings.

The Event RFP is sent out annually in July/August to request feedback from properties that are interested in hosting a future MPI NENY event.

MPI NENY offers study groups for CMP candidates prior to both the summer and winter exam each year.

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